Monday, September 19, 2011

De La Grind.

ok so we are BACK!! life threw many curve balls @ me recently but i feel like i got this back and moving. i decided to go for a different approach on this next piece. see this piece kinda came out unplanned but it certainly sparked the train i was on!! i was painting and had this loose piece of poster paper lying around and decided to grab some Sharpies and have @ it. as i was creating this, De La was steady on blast providing a wonderful soundtrack to this piece.

De La Soul is one of the older hip hop groups that still holds heavy weight in the game today. i didn't find them til my later years, but was so amazed @ their sound. i believe the first song i heard was Rock.Co.Flow featuring MF DOOM. and then when i kept searching, Shopping Bags was next and it was on!! the production and lyrics of Grind Date pushed me to find more, finally landing on the AOI joints. such amazing, amazing work between AOI one and two. later down the years i found what is still today one of my favorite De La tracks; Me, Myself, and I. i am constantly impressed by their work, the latest being the Nike joints; Are You In?. a 40 minute track marketed as a runner's tool. i certainly used this track on many of my late night skates thru my hood. it has a lot of rise and falls in it, perfect for sprinting, jogging, walking and varying the three. or just pure uphill skate only to bomb the hils back the other way.

13" x 19" inks on poster paper
message me for shipping out of SATX.
to purchase, shoot me an e.mail: